
Video: James Gardin – Home

Watch Home video by James Gardin

Home is indeed where the heart is. Whether it is a place or a state of mind, the familiarity of a safe and secure abode is something that is integral to the human experience.

James Gardin’s new single is a warm, festive ode which encapsulates the homely musings that become prevalent during this time of year. Over a memorable melody and delicate drums cooked up by Newselph, James Gardin reaches out to family and friends who are either out of touch or out of sight. With humble sincerity, he poetically encourages them to come back home where the love is. For those no longer with us; he commemorates them posthumously by saving them a seat at the table of his heart.

No matter where you go in life, and even if you feel too far removed from whence you came, it’s never too late to go back home.

Video: Home

Video Credits
Directed / Edited by Victor Manuel & D’kwon Guerrero
Starring Brooklyn

Home is available now on Illect Recordings.

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