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J.Lee the Producer releases “Music Box” (album stream)

Stream Music Box by J.Lee the Producer

J.Lee Productions is excited to announce the release of the Music Box album from the multi-talented J.Lee The Producer, available now at all digital outlets.

The album hosts a wide-range of intricate harmonies, melodies and beats all composed to support the continual inspirational message throughout the album. The title track Music Box, is a perfect example of the album’s direction and summation with vocal harmonies, sound effects and instruments excellently layered over the tracks main underlying longing but reflective beat. It’s the embodiment of the album, it personifies what is spoken in the beginning of the track itself, “but I hope the music we make has some staying power for the ones that do hear it, you know a memory attach to it…

J.Lee The Producer has over 10 years of experience in music production and engineering. He has successfully built J.Lee Productions into a highly sought after production company.

Track list
1. Music Box Intro
2. Morning Glory (feat. Adam & Kizzie)
3. Fade Away (Kobe Bean) [feat. Sean C. Johnson]
4. Came Saw Conquered (feat. Adrianne Archie)
5. Fresh Wind (feat. Cooki Turner)
6. Rightly (feat. Marcellus Coleman)
7. I Said Nothing
8. Datgum (feat. Adam L.)
9. Music Box Melodies (feat. Jessica Leidy)
10. Music Box (feat. Cooki Turner and Thaddeus Johnson)
11. The Image (feat. Cam)
12. Questions (feat. Thaddeus Johnson)
13. Carry Me (feat. Tony Foster Jr.)
14. Music Box (Deuce)
15. Home (feat. Cooki Turner)
16. You Got It (feat. Kizzie Ledbetter)
17. Lift (feat. Marcellus Coleman)
18. Music Box (JLee)
19. A Crude Apology For The Divinity Of God (feat. Adam L.)

Music Box is available now at download & streaming outlets. Stream the album below and let us know what you think.

Download: iTunes // Google Play
Stream: Apple Music // Spotify

Stream Music Box

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