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The Art of Sampling book released

The Art of Sampling book

Sampling is something many producers and record labels have a love/hate relationship with.

Sample based hip-hop sounds fresh but… if it isn’t cleared, you could find yourself in trouble.

The Art of Sampling is the most comprehensive exploration of sampling in the hip hop/rap music tradition and copyright law ever written, and it’s one of the most striking and poignant music studies to come along in years.

This book examines the complex and controversial sampling music process and brings forth a study that illuminates its history, creative mechanics, and philosophy, while also exploring the implications that it holds for copyright law.

With its incredible level of actual composition instruction (on everything from how to sample and arranging drums to bass lines and more), its historical analysis, its cultural analysis, and its detailed look at copyright , The Art of Sampling is unquestionably the most important book on the topic.

Learn more and purchase the book at

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