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SkyBlew releases surprise LP, The Cowardly Boy

The Cowardly Boy

The Cowardly Boy is the latest full length release from SkyBlew. His unique style is something we love here at Sphere of Hip-Hop. It’s got that jazzy boom bap we love mixed with on point lyrical content. Stream the album below… our favorite song is track 13.

August 29 was SkyBlew’s birthday, and in celebration, he dropped his new album as TOTAL SURPRISE!!! No one knew he has been working on music at all, as he has been silent most of this year. After almost quitting music last year, he put the hurt & pain into the pen, and made some of the best music he has ever created! This is the result…

RandomBeats Music proudly presents, SkyBlew starring in: SkyBlew The Cowardly Boy (yes, say it all together like A Tribe Called Quest lol.) After a lengthy hiatus from music, SkyBlew makes his triumphant return, with the follow up to – Race For Your Life SkyBlew! SkyBlew The Cowardly Boy, tells the story of scared young boy, who actually happens to be the bravest of all, but he doesn’t realize it yet. Born into a world surrounded by evil, he is forced to face his fears and fight the wicked, in order to become the man he is destined to be and save the people… This is his journey. You have to listen to each song carefully though, because the album has a deeper meaning as well. It’s all a matter of interpretation, so each person will reach their own revelation. Prepare yourselves, this is not your typical album, this is an experience… Unlike ANYTHING you’ve ever heard before! Released at a perfect time, as the world is in need of inspiration and Love. Enjoy!

Audio: The Cowardly Boy

The Cowardly Boy is available now via RandomBeats Music (Bandcamp / iTunes).

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