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Illect Recordings Free Album in October

Illect Recordings

Illect Recordings is offering music fans a full free album download in October. They are asking fans to vote on which artist/album they want as their Illect Recordings free album. Also, for the rest of the month you can score their recent compilation for free.

Here are the details from Illect…

Illect Recordings Free Album in October

We want you to help us choose what album we should give away during the month of October.

Vote for your choice from the following list:
Flynn Adam “In Like Flynn”
Sintax the Terrific “Simple Moves”
Sivion “Mood Enhancement”
Stu Dent “Nephilim: Act of God 1”

Place your vote on Twitter and tag us @ILLECT

We’ll collect the votes and let you know which album you can grab for $0 bucks starting in October.

Stream / Download: Illect Recordings: Mind the Rap volume 3

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