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WLAK to release Collision Records debut March 5, 2013

WLAK (We Live As Kings) is slated to release their debut album March 5th, 2013. The album features the entire Collision Records roster including Dre Murray, Swoope, Alex Faith and Christon Gray. Production will be handled by Wit, Swoope, Dirty Rice and others.

Fellow heirs with Christ, reign with Christ. If indeed we suffer with Him, we will also be glorified with Him (Rom. 8:17).

We Live As Kings is a culture to reign here on earth despite our circumstances so that we reflect the image of God as he intended. This is not simply a Christian thought, however. Imagine the world if people lived more consciously of a Creator and pursued Him instead of their selfish ambitions. Imagine a world where Christians understood that being a coheir with Christ meant coming not to be served, but coming to serve. This is what We Live As Kings is about.

We Live As Kings is a culture built around the hope of our redemption, “counting not the suffering of the present time worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed to us.” Kings are not victims of circumstance. They rise above it, reign despite of it and reflect the image of the one true King throughout.

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