
Interview with Wes Pendleton

Interview by Praverb
Wes Pendleton on the web
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First and foremost, introduce yourself to the masses…
For sure! My name is Wes, and I’m a husband and father. I love music, and love the Lord!

Where are you from?
I was born and raised in Philadelphia, and now reside in the NW suburbs just outside the city.

Who or Whom inspires Wes Pendleton to create music?
I grew up listening to the gospel greats like James Cleveland and Shirley Caeser. But my biggest influence would have to be the Hawkins singers. Without them, I’m not sure I would love music the way I do today.

Recently you released Nebulous via Illect Recordings. Describe the concept behind the record. What did you want to convey to the masses?
I was in an interesting place in life at the time right before I recorded this. As a man, you run into these personal battles of fear, isolation, pride and contentment. And as a Christian man, you fight these things mainly because you’ve lost sight of grace and the Lord’s goodness. So this project was my way of sharing my personal struggle and hopefully encouraging someone going through the same thing.

Describe your relationship with Illect Recordings. When did you know that they would be the home for Nebulous?
Well I’ve been with Illect for about a year now, and the fellas there always treat me with a great amount of respect and are super diligent to pushing great music to the folks. This project served as a buffer between my singles and my LP that I’m currently working on.

What is your favorite song from Nebulous?
Hurt So Bad, featuring my good friend Dre Murray is probably my favorite track, even though the project kinda feels like one whole track to me. That track was the most difficult to write because I sometimes shy away from being too personal. But this was the direction that the song had to go in, and most people tell me it’s their favorite song too.

Who is featured on your latest project?
One of my best friends Young Joshua is featured on the project. Dude is like a brother to me man. And I also have some other really great friends that lent their support. My buddies Ant Coughlin, Dre Murray and Serene from the UK.

Describe the struggles associated with making beats and writing rhymes.
Well I’m always a producer before and writer, so that side of things always comes easier. But sometimes writing is hard mainly because of time. I’m always working on 50 things at the same time (something that I’m currently working through…), so it can get dicey in the brain there sometimes, ha.

Have you ever had a beat block and writer’s block at the same time?
I don’t think I’ve ever had beat block that I can remember. I sometimes get more writers block trying to fit everything I want to say in a few bars without cramming too many words in a bar. I used to be the worst at using too many words.

I love the honesty and sincerity that is presented in your music. I gathered that you are a man of God, a family man, and you love music. Time is something that a lot of us struggle with. We do not have time for this or time for that. How do you find time to do the things that you love?
My wife is the reason I am able to do what I do. When I’m tired, she pushes me to keep pressing. Unfortunately as a family man too, you sometimes only find time to work late at night, so I’ve learned how to push myself at times to stay awake and create. Thankfully my man Wit is usually awake during these times too, so we’re chatting back and forth online while we work.

Explain the role of having a supportive spouse in regards to pursuing a dream?
Man. The support of my wife is the only thing I really have when it comes down to it. If she’s not with it, I gotta trash it, you know? I went into our marriage understanding that this is about us, not about me. In the past I sometimes lost sight of that, but we are stronger than ever now, by God’s grace. She backs me 100% and I make sure to make plenty of time for her and my daughter.

Explain how humbling it is to receive feedback from various blogs and websites?
It’s very “weird”, ha. I’m in no way a lyricist or even a dope rhymer IMO, I just like putting words together with melody and hope for the best. Like I stated before, I’m more comfortable behind the scenes, making beats and whatnot, so I’m used to the love on that end. I’m thankful that my words are impacting people. It means a lot bro.

People should cop Nebulous because…
Cuz I said so!! But no, in all seriousness, I just believe it’s a project that will encourage and lift people’s spirits man.

Aside from promoting Nebulous, are there plans for any future projects?
Currently working on my LP right now, might be putting out some singles/videos in the near future. We shall see : )

Any final shout outs?
Just a huge thanks to everyone that supports us over at Illect and myself personally. It means a lot to feel the love from your fellow brothers and sisters!

Get a free download of the Nebulous album via Illect Recordings on Bandcamp.

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