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Interview with RELIC aka RELMcCoy

Interview by Praverb
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First and foremost who is RELIC and how long have you been rhyming?
I’m an emcee/producer from the Toronto area. I can remember writing my first rhyme when I first heard “5 Minutes of Funk” .. around the time LL’s “Radio” album dropped. Of course I was young then, and didn’t really take it seriously until around the time high school started.

You also go the name REL McCoy. When did you discover this name?
I’ve gone by the name Relic since ’94. I decided to use Rel McCoy when I kept hearing about different “Relic’s” all over the place, Hamilton, New York, Edmonton, France.. etc.. so hence the additional moniker.

Recently you released the first single from your upcoming album Miles To Go called “Work of Heart”. It seems that you wrote this song to address the critics. Is it fair to say that “Work of Heart” is a warning to those that question you or your calling?
No not at all.

You also released a beat tape called For the Record. For the Record gives you a chance to showoff your production skills. Have you ever encountered writer’s block and a beat block at the same time?
Yup. all the time. There is so much other work to do that isn’t part of the creative aspect, that more times I have to force myself to write, or make beats. It’s a change from when I used to have to “catch a vibe” to be creative. I love it, but it’s still hard work at times.

In September 2012, you will release your new album Miles To Go. How does Miles To Go differ from your past projects?
The new record is entirely self produced, and engineered, so from a production stand point, it is similar to The Green Light album, and far different from the Not For Nothing EP that I did with Scarlem D. I would say it differs from the other projects in that the majority of it was was created and put together in a time where I was facing some personal difficulties.. which I think kind of comes thru in the writing.

Will there be any featured guests on Miles To Go?
The features on this record are, Mr. J. Medeiros, Die Rek, Brotha Soul, GhettoSocks, RationaL, Fresco P, NewBreedMC, Sean Prominent and Shad.

Will Miles To Go be available for pre-order soon?
I’ll keep you posted on that. The best way for listeners to stay up on the latest is to sign up the the mailing list at

I love your work with Fresh Kils. Can you tell us how you linked up with Fresh Kils and if you plan to do a project with him in the future.
Thank you. I love this guy too. He is one of the nicest cats you’ll ever meet, and one of the hardest working people I’ve met in the industry. We first met a couple of years ago at a EPMD show in Peterborough ON. We were both really busy at the time, and didn’t keep in touch, but were re-introduced by my man Mantis (from “The Get By”) at the Arab Beats show in Toronto a few months later. That night we went out for some drinks, and shared some stories about the difficulties of running our own studios full time, and an amazing friendship was born… out of which came the Time Machine remix that Kils produced. From there we’ve been doing shows together constantly, and have partnered our studios to share work back and forth with each other. We will be doing a project together, but at the moment we both have other commitments to work through. Hopefully we can get started into that project in a serious way closer to Christmas this year.

Can you describe what hip-hop means to you in ten words or less?
No I can’t. 🙂

What biblical figure would represent your career as a hip-hop emcee?
I’m not sure any do.

What is Relic’s favorite biblical quote?
My favorite biblical quote is KRS ONE sighting Matthew 7 verse 1

How can the fans keep in touch with you?
The social network spots like twitter/facebook work well. You can find all of my social net links at my site, and add me on twitter – @RELMcCoy

Any final remarks?
Hip hop is about people. The skill sets we love can’t exist without people. It is a community, not a commune. It is important for hip hop lovers to become a part of the community that hip hop is, and learn to love the people that create it, instead of just loving what those people have created. After all of the great hip hop we’ve been given, I think it’s important to always ask what we can give back, as artists, and fans/listeners.

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