
Twitter Chat with Stephen the Levite (interview)

We recently held a Twitter Chat with Lamp Mode Recordings artist Stephen the Levite. Below is a transcript of our conversation.

Alright here we go! Welcome @dawhiStLeblower for a fireside chat with @sphereofhiphop Follow along at #SOHHchat

Sphere of Hip-Hop: What would be the best question I could ask you in this interview? #SOHHchat

Stephen the Levite: Hmmmm, probably something about that mini documentary @WesPen_215 shot. Lol.

SOHH: Your release party is about to jump off. Tell us about that. #SOHHchat

STL: I think it’s gonna be crazy. we got a live band, the lunchbox kids, @timothybrindle, @al_thizzy from baltimore … #SOHHchat

STL: and I’m honored to have @LeahSmithMusic with us. @muzeONE and I have a @RedeemedThought set for the first time.. #SOHHchat

SOHH: @LeahSmithMusic @muzeONE @RedeemedThought Word, sounds extra fresh. I know many heads are ready for R.T. #SOHHchat

SOHH: How has the reception been for the Last Missionary? Do you feel it’s reached its potential? #SOHHchat

STL: so far so good lots of good reviews. I think it’s gonna do more work for the kingdom in years to come

SOHH: Yeah, we loved it over here. The writer really seemed to connect with it. Excellent work on packaging too. #SOHHchat

STL: Thanks I appreciate it. #SOHHchat

SOHH: How do you reconcile your home life with your musical pursuits? #SOHHchat

STL: I try not to let the cultural standards of the life of a musician crowd out my responsibility to be present @ home.#SOHHchat

SOHH: What’s it like being a father? I’ve enjoyed reading your tweets about being a dad. #SOHHchat

STL: It’s dope. It’s challenging at times. My son is acting like he doesn’t want to eat dinner right now. LOL #SOHHchat

SOHH: Well, what’s for dinner? #SOHHchat

STL: broccoli, cauliflower, pasta salad. He’s missing out. #SOHHchat

SOHH: Nice. LOVE broccoli. Never got into cauliflower though. Props for being able to spell that haha #SOHHchat

STL: Thank google chrome for the spelling. LOL

SOHH: LOL. I wondered about that. #SOHHchat

SOHH: Is there something specific that keeps you focused creatively? #SOHHchat

STL: Having a vision. w/out a vision I’m kinda aimless. That and my personal Hip Hop philosophies and tastes #SOHHchat

SOHH: What artists did you grow up listening to? #SOHHchat

STL: Wu Tang, CL and Pete Rock, Nas, Heavy D, Leaders of the New School, Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul… you know #SOHHchat

STL: I had all their tapes’ too. those were the days #SOHHchat

SOHH: Word man! Much of the same stuff I did as well. In addition to 3rd Bass, PE and even X-Clan. Funny right? #SOHHchat

SOHH: How did you and @muzeONE become friends? #SOHHchat

STL: Our history is crazy. We met at Calvary Chapel Bible College, but that was the second time. #SOHHchat

SOHH: @muzeONE I’ve heard some of the stories. Fantastic to see how God moves like that. #SOHHchat

SOHH: Name the most awkward moment you’ve experienced as a hip-hop artist… besides meeting Gabe? #SOHHchat

STL: spitting for an outreach and not getting nearly as much props at the 50+ yr old ladies line dancing to R-Kelly #SOHHchat

SOHH: THAT is mad funny. #SOHHchat

SOHH: We’re hearing rumblings of a new Redeemed Thought album. What can you share? @muzeONE #SOHHchat

STL: We’ve been talking about it…that’s about it… LOL. follow @RedeemedThought to stay updated.

SOHH: @muzeONE @RedeemedThought Keep talking. Plenty of people would dig that if it happens. #SOHHchat

STL: @RedeemedThought #SOHHchat No doubt.

SOHH: Do you feel that Christians have a difficult time with criticism of their art? #SOHHchat

STL: I think Artists do Xtian or not, but Xtians are different in how they defend themselves. #SOHHchat

SOHH: How so? Also, was this a struggle of yours in the past or even currently? #SOHHchat

STL: I think @Json116‘s track w/ @lecrae did a great job communicating a balance view on the topic. #SOHHchat

STL: I’d say it’s always a struggle. Whenever you spend a year and change working on something you want everybody to… #SOHHchat

STL: …like it, but reality is that everybody’s different. You have to deal w/ that and the fact that you may have… #SOHHchat

STL: …had room for improvement. #SOHHchat

SOHH: Is Last Missionary your best album? #SOHHchat

STL: I think so. But that’s my opinion. There are some things I think i did better on TDIG, but overall, yes. #SOHHchat

SOHH: Can evangelism and art co-exist? #SOHHchat

STL: of course. I know personally I’ve heard testimonies of people repenting and turning to Jesus through a song. #SOHHchat

STL: If I remember correctly @braillehiphop came to Jesus through CHH. #SOHHchat

SOHH: @braillehiphop Word. CHH helped me to “figure it out” when I heard SFC and Freedom of Soul. #SOHHchat

SOHH: What are your reactions on the new project from @Lecrae? #SOHHchat

STL: @Lecrae I haven’t heard all of it yet (busy grinding for this Concert tomorrow), but from what I’ve heard so far.. #SOHHchat

STL: @Lecrae… i think it’s dope. It’s true to who he is and It’s dope that he has the platform he has now. #SOHHchat

SOHH: What are your feelings, as an artist, on music piracy? #SOHHchat

STL: well, I wrote an article about it for @Rapzilla a little while back. I think stealing is stealing. Especially as.. #SOHHchat

STL: …as a provider for my family. #SOHHchat

SOHH: Switching gears… sports. Do you play any? Follow any? Favorite teams? #SOHHchat

STL: LOL. my favorite sport is snowboarding. but I’ve only done it twice & couldn’t name 1 professional. But i love it #SOHHchat

SOHH: haha word. I’m terrified to try it. Probably break something #SOHHchat

STL: I fell ALOT the first time (didn’t take the class). But the second time i started getting good. #SOHHchat

SOHH: Alright… switching gears to some fan submitted questions and otherwise random fun ones. Here goes… #SOHHchat

SOHH: Rank the top 3 beards in Christian hip-hop. #SOHHchat

SOHH: I immediately think of… you, Brinson, @WesPen_215 and @SevStatik #SOHHchat

STL: 1. @Foreknown, 2. @BigJuice216 3. is a toss up. @LeeGreeen has a decent one too. #SOHHchat

STL: last time i saw @SevStatik he didn’t have one, but i’m looking at it now, he might have taken the #2 spot. #SOHHchat

SOHH: @SevStatik Yeah, dudes beard is pretty epic. #SOHHchat #DeepsBeard5

SOHH: Bacon or sausage? #SOHHchat

STL: definitely bacon… turkey bacon. #SOHHchat

SOHH: Who needs to come out of retirement and do some more music? #SOHHchat

STL: hmmm, can’t think of any CHH. I always wanted to hear more from Charlie Brown from LONS. #SOHHchat

SOHH: Do you have a dream collaboration in mind? #SOHHchat

STL: You always dream of new dope collabs. I wanna work with @LeeGreeen and @oddthomasmusic at some point. #SOHHchat

SOHH: Dumisani L. (South Africa) asks: When are you touring Africa? + @nenydee asks about touring Nigeria. Any plans? #SOHHchat

STL: @nenydee talks of possibilities, yes, but i don’t know if i can say plans yet. I alway hear from supporters in.. #SOHHchat

STL: @nenydee …South Africa, Nigeria, and other areas. I’d love to make it happen. #SOHHchat

SOHH: @nickelshawkeye asks if youve been to Seattle. If you havent, visit in the summer. It’s awesome. I loved living there #SOHHchat

STL: @nickelshawkeye I think i did a road trip w/ my Dad through there when I was young but that’s it. I’d love to. #SOHHchat

STL: @nickelshawkeye …come back though. If i did I don’t remember what it was like anyway. #SOHHchat

SOHH: Ras asks: Do you believe CHH have a inferiority complex as Believin Stephen suggested? #SOHHchat

STL: Sometimes. As artists we do get tired of hearing “why don’t we have anybody rapping/producing like *insert fave*”. #SOHHchat

STL: but at the same time we criticize for being so similar to *fav*. #SOHHchat

SOHH: Daniel Cruz asks: What was the reason behind the different track titles on the instrumentals and the album? #SOHHchat

STL: I think track naming is also a part of the creative process (S/O to @Phanatik). It get’s slept on now “I love #4” #SOHHchat

STL: … I thought it was a creative way to pull more meaning out of the original and give the instro it’s own ID. #SOHHchat

SOHH: Matt Stromer asks a 2 part question: Who inspires you lyrically? … #SOHHchat

SOHH: Matt S. asks: Do you consider yourself an “underground” artist trying to be accepted in the mainstream market? #SOHHchat

STL: @timothybrindle @Phanatik @Hazakim… That’s off the top. #SOHHchat

STL: I think my roots are underground, but I look at Wu-Tang as far as underground/commercial ratio… #SOHHchat

STL: …I don’t wanna lose who I am, but i don’t feel like my music should be exclusive 2 backpackers. I do what i like #SOHHchat

STL: I know the era is different, but for me it’s the best case scenario, as unrealistic as it may be today. #SOHHchat

SOHH: Thanks @dawhiStLeblower @lampmode for making this #SOHHchat possible. Appreciate your family giving up some time.

SOHH: Get your copy of Stephen the Levite “The Last Missionary” on CD / MP3 at http://www.sphereofhiphopstore.com @dawhiStLeblower @lampmode #SOHHchat

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