
Holy Culture to release The Drop

Holy Culture is proud to announce the creation of The Drop CD.

“During difficult financial times, churches and believers alike are found to be looking for new and innovative ways to not only present the Gospel, but to do so in an economic manner. The need for evangelism certainly still exists, but in many circles, the resources do not. The urban community is not exempt from this and in fact, may be more challenged than any other demographic. HolyCulture.net offers a ‘grassroots suggestion’ to this dilemma by equipping believers with this project.” says Ben Lippens from the Holy Culture Team.

This project allows you to download a ten track album at Holy Culture at no cost. Then, burn the tracks onto a CD and DROP it in the hands of friends, family or someone you’ve never met. This sole purpose of the DROP CD is to spread the gospel of Jesus the Christ, using music as a vehicle.

Holy Culture is now accepting audio submissions for the Drop CD project. Fitting submissions will be posted onto HolyCulture.net and voted on by its visitors. The top ten submissions will be placed on the Drop CD for distribution. In addition, Holy Culture is also seeking assistance in creating the artwork for the project. Only one submission will be selected and it will be voted upon by a panel selected by Holy Culture.

If you’re interested in being an artist on this project or in creating the artwork for the project, please see this link for more information.

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