In the middle of Crossover Church’s move the team pumped out two fresh new issues of the S.O.U.LMAG. They’ve been marinating for a minute now. Issue #15 is graced by a masked grafitti artist that features a cover story on unknown people making a huge impact in their community for Christ. The 84 pages highlight Crossover’s innovation and ministries as it features Corey Hicks, Bobby Tinsley, DJ Lopez and more! Issue #16 again goes out of the box and throws you for a curve as the magazine reads backwards! This was the official mag of the Bizarro World Conference in NYC – so there are also some upside down pages as well. Issue #16’s pages feature DJ Official, This’L, Hazakim, Bobby Bishop, Enock (R.I.P.) and some great leadership articles written by Bo Boshers (of Willow Creek), Adam Dorso (of Youth Explosion NYC) and Urban D. The new issues are just $3.95 each with FREE shipping, or get the S.O.U.LMAG subscription with issue #14, 15 and 16 with 3 CD’s (Braille – Cloud 19, Crossover Cypha V.6, and a Syntax Release) all for just $14.99 with FREE shipping in the U.S.!
Check out – to get yours today or visit to scoop up current and back issues.
Issue 15 cover
Issue 16 cover
Aw Yeah!!!! I love Soul Mag, But I miss Feed like crazy. that was still my favorite.
Nice! Way to support.
Check for the Sphere of Hip-Hop ad in the new issues.
i recently subsribed to Soul Mag. im exited! yeahh!
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