
Thank you for a great 2009

2009 was a year filled with challenges and triumphs. The year started off to be pretty scary to the point I feared the site would need to be closed. Each month was filled with stress trying to find ways to pay the basic bills. Many of you were sources of encouragement that urged me on to stay positive and pray for God to provide. Thank you for helping me to remain hopeful. Towards the end of the year we started to see where the last few years of struggle were starting to pay off. Opportunities started to find us instead of finding constantly closed doors. It was nice for a change!

Thank you to everyone who has visited the site throughout the year… purchased music… downloaded MP3s… subscribed to the Podcast… participated in the forums… ya’ll are why I give up most of my free time. Thanks for being supportive and encouraging.

You’ll start to notice a lot of changes around here. Expect some bumps along the way. Growing pains are good I suppose and I think they will be worth it. Hang in there and keep dropping by. Much prayer and consideration have gone into all the “stuff” that is coming.

Make 2010 a year where you share the love and invite your friends to check out Sphere of Hip-Hop. I hope to make you proud to be a supporter of the site and of our ministry as well. The new year looks awesome and I’m excited to serve in the capacity I do. Blessed to be a blessing ya’ll!

God bless.

-josh “plastic”

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